Print one off now and save up to 85%
"If you don’t have prescription coverage, you would
be foolish not to get one of these discount pharmacy cards,
particularly the free ones, because it is such an easy way to save money,”
Some chains also sell proprietary discount pharmacy cards good only at their own pharmacy. These discount pharmacy cards are not considered insurance, and can only be used for prescriptions not covered by insurance. The sponsoring organization often gets a small fee for each prescription filled, the money for which comes in part from over 60,000 or so drugstores nationally that accept the discount pharmacy card. These cards should not be confused with retailers’ own programs offering $4 and $10 prescriptions for certain generic drugs.
While some discount pharmacy cards claim savings of up to 80%, our card averages a 60% savings. Overall, freecards offered slightly superior discounts compared to cards that cost money to obtain. No one card always offered the best savings on all the drugs checked, and savings on individual drugs vary.